City of Flagstaff Unfunded Capital Improvements Fiscal Year 2023-2024 The following is a list of projects that currently do not have a funding source and therefore are unfunded City Capital projects at this time. This list is updated annually as changes in funding occur as well as changes in priorities for the City
General Government Information Technology Fiber $ 14,000,000 14,000,000 Fire Department Station 1 - Bunk Dorm Room Additions + 1 bathroom 200,000 Station 2 - Bunk Dorm Rooms Additions + 1 bathroom 200,000 Station 3 - Bunk Dorm Rooms Additions + 1 bathroom 200,000 Training Center - Fire Garage Facilities for Active Vehicle Storage 575,000 Battalion Chief Living Quarters and Office (interim before Station 7) 375,000 Station 2 - Concrete Re-design and Replacement (Back Driveway) 250,000 Station 2 - Phase 2 Rock Wall Erosion Control Measures 750,000 Station 4 - Facility Replacement (Excluding Land) 4,750,000 JW Powell - Station 7 Planning and Engineering - 6-8 acre Campus 12,000,000 JW Powell - Admin Offices 2,000,000 JW Powell - Wildland Wildfire Management Station 2,000,000 Training Center Facility Improvements 1,500,000 Signal Pre-emption 965,000 25,765,000 Police Department Station 7 - (Fire/Police) Shared Facility - (Per JWP Specific Plan Study) 1,000,000 Metal Building on Commerce Site Eastside Sub-Station (2nd Building) 3,000,000 Dispatch Expansion 600,000 Police Administration Facility Expansion 2,650,000 Roof Replacement (LEAF) 1,000,000 8,250,000 Flagstaff Housing AuthorityRedevelop Public Housing 18,000,000 18,000,000 Municipal Facilities Public Works Building 4 - Facilities/Parks Division Facility 4,000,000 Records Storage Facility 250,000 City Hall Main Entry Redesign 500,000 Mogollon Yard Decommission/Remediation 600,000 Repurposing of Decommissioned City Facilities TBD Downtown Connection Center Parking Structure TBD Old Courthouse Redevelopment Parking TBD Courthouse Parking 5,500,000 10,850,000 Total General Government 76,865,000 City of Flagstaff Unfunded Capital Improvements Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Events (PROSE) Parks Cemetery Roadway Repair and Replacement $ 350,000 Cemetery Veterans Section Expansion and Cremains Plots 200,000 Cheshire Park Improvements - Expansion 3,500,000 Christensen Park Development 7,000,000 Clay Basin Park Development 13,750,000 Continental Regional Park Development (Includes Girls Softball Complex) 20,000,000 Field Lighting Upgrade to LED 750,000 FUTS Asphalt Repair and Replace Program (9 Miles) 6,500,000 Lake Mary Regional Park Development 30,000,000 Parks Playground Replacement - Old Inventory 1,200,000 Splash Pad Development 500,000 Tennis Courts Development 300,000 Thorpe Park Annex Planning, Design and Development 5,000,000 Wheeler Park Electrical Repairs 120,000 89,170,000 Recreation Aquaplex Expansion - 25 Meter Pool 8,000,000 Aquaplex Kids Club Outdoor Play Area 60,000 Competitive Lap Pool - 50 Meter 20,000,000 Jay Lively Cooling Tower Replacement 500,000 Jay Lively Chiller Replacement 500,000 Joe C Montoya Expansion 500,000 Snow Play Area 6,000,000 Jay Lively Second Sheet of Ice TBD Special Events Facility/Venue TBD 35,560,000 Open Space Picture Canyon Improvements 1,300,000 McMillan Mesa Improvements 200,000 Observatory Mesa Improvements 200,000 Schultz Creek Improvements 25,000 Observatory Mesa Trail Plan Implementation 2,500,000 Property Acquisition to Preserve Additional Sensitive Areas and Add Connectivity: Walnut Canyon Regional Preserve (Sections 22, 28, 30) 22,000,000 Priority Connector 1A (Walnut Canyon to Fort Tuthill) 11,500,000 Priority Connector 1C (Observatory Mesa to McMillan Mesa) 5,100,000 Priority Connector 1D (Picture Canyon to Walnut Canyon) 6,100,000 Priority Connector 1E (Observatory Mesa to Fort Tuthill) 9,500,000 Priority Connector 1F (Inner-city McMillian Mesa to Walnut Canyon) 8,400,000 66,825,000 Total PROSE 191,555,000City of Flagstaff Unfunded Capital Improvements Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Economic Vitality Parking Additional Downtown District Parking Inventory $ 20,000,000 20,000,000 Airport Capital Multi-level Airport Paid Parking Garage 25,000,000 Hangar TBD 25,000,000 Library New Eastside Library Building 30,000,000 30,000,000 Total Economic Vitality 75,000,000 Water Services Drinking Water North Reservoir Treatment Plant 1,200,000 Main Tank Rehabilitation 1,200,000 Christmas Tree Tank Rehabilitation 500,000 Paradise Tank Rehabilitation 500,000 Red Gap Ranch Pipeline 100% Design 12,000,000 Red Gap Ranch Pipeline Construction 260,000,000 Lake Mary Raw Water Pipeline 16,000,000 Woody Mountain Powerline Burial 1,500,000 Bonito Load Out Station 750,000 Kinlani Tank Rehabilitation 100,000 Inner Basin Diesel Engine Replacements (IB#9, IB#11, IB#14) 150,000 Flow Meter Replacements 500,000 Inner Basin Pipeline Assessment/Design 500,000 Inner Basin Pipeline Rehabilitation 2,500,000 Lake Mary Treatment Plant Chlorine Dioxide Generator Replacement 200,000 Tuthill Booster Station Rehabilitation 300,000 297,900,000 Wastewater Rio de Flag WRP Projects Anoxic Mixer 550,000 Influent Grit Removal 750,000 Wildcat Hill WRP Projects Improve Baffling and Weirs at Secondary Clarifiers 480,000 Add Post Anoxic Zone 2,152,000 Add Initial Anaerobic Zone 2,400,000 Replace All Three Anoxic Mixers on IFAS 500,000 Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion - Design and Construction 220,000,000 Headworks Motor Control Center (MCC) and Rehab 2,372,439 Rio MCC 3,600,000 Septage/Grease Station 5,400,000 238,204,439 Wastewater Collection/Reclaim Distribution Flagstaff Interceptor (Butler to Continental Country Club) 5,600,000 5,600,000City of Flagstaff Unfunded Capital Improvements Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Reclaim Recharge and Recovery Project $ 500,000 Water System Expansion - Westside 4,500,000 Water Line Loop - Foxglenn Park to Continental/WCH 12,800,000 Buffalo Park Chlorine Building Upgrade 2,100,000 Rio IP PRV Station Relocate 750,000 8” Bottleneck- Additional Funds 1,500,000 WCH Reclaim Pump Station Upgrade 4,500,000 Rio Reclaim Booster Pump Station - Upgrades 600,000 Master Radio Tower- Rio de Flag 200,000 Cemex and County Yard Flow Monitoring Stations 450,000 Bushmaster Booster Station, Pump and Automatic Valve 500,000 Rio Reclaim Distribution System upgrades 350,000 Reclaim Meter and Vault Upgrades (Program) 500,000 29,250,000 Stormwater West Street Wash Storm Sewer 5,600,000 Switzer Canyon Wash Upper Reach 5,400,000 Switzer Canyon Wash Lower Reach (Huntington Drive Area) 1,600,000 Fanning Wash Channel Capacity Improvements 2,600,000 South Mount Elden Flood Mitigation 3,000,000 Spruce Wash Tunnel Between Killip and Route 66 40,000,000 Hospital Hill Storm Drains 1,125,000 Mobile Haven Drainage Ditch Improvement 1,050,000 Mobile Haven Drainage Ditch Improvement 450,000 Darleen Drive Drainage Improvement 225,000 Smokerise Neighborhood Drainage Improvements 750,000 University Heights Drainage Improvements 2,250,000 Leroux Avenue at Rio de Flag Low Water Crossing 525,000 Mead Lane street drainage improvement 2,000,000 Rio de Flag culvert improvements near Flag Mall 8,000,000 74,575,000 Total Water Services 645,529,439 City Engineering Transportation J. Wesley Powell Blvd - Pine Canyon to 4th Street 27,433,100 Yale/Plaza Way/Metz Walk Backage Road 3,000,000 Sunnyside Neighborhood Improvements 4,900,000 Riordan Ranch Street Backage Road 2,000,000 Lone Tree - Pine Knoll to JWP (Corridor Study I-40 Traffic Interchange) 78,000,000 Steves Boulevard / Lakin Realignment 1,550,000 Milton Road Corridor Improvements (ADOT Partnership) 44,603,600 Woody Mountain Loop - Route 66 to I-40 22,190,000 I-40/Woody Mountain Road Traffic Interchange 57,154,000 East Butler Avenue Extension to Section 20 15,000,000 Empire Avenue Extension to East Route 66 10,700,000 Ponderosa Parkway Extension (Route 66 to the North) 9,753,000 Linda Vista Extension (Fanning to Kaspar) 9,872,000 Sidewalks (58 miles with $6.2 million funded) 15,439,830 FUTS Trails (76.7 miles with $6.9 million funded) 22,732,000 Enhanced Crossings (59 missing with $6.2 million funded) 12,690,000 Bridges and Tunnels (49 missing with $8.2 million funded) 57,120,000 Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects from Active Transportation Master Plan 67,000,000 461,137,530 Total Engineering and Capital Improvements 461,137,530 Total Unfunded Projects $ 1,450,086,969